I’m currently learning about mobile marketing in my last semester of college. I thought it would be relevant for me as a business owner especially with a Yoga Teacher Training coming up in January and so far I am already learning a lot.

In the past, I have gotten the word out about weekend workshops and teacher trainings through a combination of mobile marketing and old school or “traditional marketing channels” like newspaper or radio ads. I’m more mindful that many people are using mobile phones and tablets these days when updating my website and sending out email marketing on mailchimp.

There are a lot of advantages to keeping websites and communications mobile friendly. One good example is being able to open an email on a mobil phone and click on the directions while finding the event. You can’t do that with a newspaper ad. Mobile devices are becoming the preferred way to access the internet. People search Google on the fly to find stores and products and use mobile apps like all around me or yelp. (Kohli)

On a mobile marketing firm’s website I found out that, “YouTube reaches more 18- to 49-year-olds than any cable network in the U.S., and the average viewing session on a mobile device is more than 40 minutes.”(Which Youtube Ad) That is pretty mind-blowing to consider, not only could my videos reach more people on Youtube than on U.S. cable TV but they can choose to watch them whenever they want.

We’ve seen how mobile marketing can increase awareness and generate dialogue in the social movement for gender equality with #MeToo in 2017. That same year over 500,000 women marched on the nation’s capital with a total of 4.2 million people marching in major cities across the world to make their voices heard in support of gender equality. This movement took over social media networks with #WhyIMarch. (Roggie)

On March 8th, 2017 (International Women’s Day) Twitter launched #SheInspiresMe with this video: https://youtu.be/7V7TXJdI8-Y

Personally, I am more excited about the potential that mobile marketing has for gender equality than my business 🙂


Roggie, A. (2018, January 19). 4 Social Media Movements Supporting Women that Give Us Life. Retrieved from https://www.adlibbing.org/2018/01/19/womens-movements/

Which Youtube Ad Type is Right for You? (2017, March 16). Retrieved from https://www.bluecorona.com/blog/types-of-youtube-ads

Kohli, Arjun. Your SMB Can No Longer Ignore Mobile Marketing. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.business.com/articles/mobile-marketing-smb/